The Google Doc

Each week, you will be discussing the readings on this single Google Doc via lead discussion post and subsequent comments. These are low-stakes assignments designed to encourage interaction and help you articulate your thoughts in writing. They are not graded and especially not assessed in terms or grammar or language, but having a shot at this one post per person in the semester counts towards the course requirements (see Syllabus).

We will use the single Google Doc linked above for weekly posts (2-3 students per week, 300 words each) and comments (by the whole class). Instructions and deadline are directly on the Google Doc: please read them carefully now, and once again before you write your post.

The doc is set so that everyone can edit it, but please let me know asap if you can’t. When you write on the Google Doc, please make sure that your username is your full name, so that I can record your participation.

By the end of the first week of class, please choose the module during which you will write your 300-word post and write your full name directly on the Google Doc, under that module. I know it is early, but you can choose by browsing the modules on this site and/or simply by convenience with the dates.

Choice is on a first-come-first-served basis.
Once you see that there are already two names under your preferred module, try to choose another that no one has chosen yet. Each module should have at least one lead post, but no more than three.